Xsemble + Python: An Alliance Made in Heaven
Xsemble now features Python support (beta) for creating both console and web applications. This adds several benefits for both Xsemble and Python communities.
Xsemble now features Python support (beta) for creating both console and web applications. This adds several benefits for both Xsemble and Python communities.
New context-sensitive menus facilitate navigation and changes on the graph. Implementation status visualization facilitates visual progress tracking.
Our workshop addresses a crucial problem faced by many software companies -- namely, how to deliver with high quality on time, in spite of skill challenges.
Xsemble technology addresses some deep-rooted challenges in software development. To know more, join us in a free online introductory webinar on Aug 10.
UX (User Experience) enhancements is the primary focus of Xsemble 4.1. Those are meant to make the use of Xsemble more enjoyable and productive.
Absence of a workable unit of measurement results into lack of quantitative information, which in turn prevents timely corrective action. We introduce component point to fill this gap.
The article covers how to create a web form for an Xsemble Page component effortlessly with a web editor, while taking into account the component reusability.
Xsemble release 3.4 comes with parameterization enhancements that broaden the reusability from single component level to the entire project level.
Xsemble 3.3 brings code level enhancements to Xsemble projects. Generated code templates are aligned with static code analyzers (linters) and use primitive types.
Xsemble has inbuilt powerful mechanisms to create components that are independent of one another and their environment. This gives rise to high component reuse.