We are happy to release Xsemble 4.3 on this auspicious day. The ball was set in motion about increasing the ease of use with Xsemble 4.x, and the momentum continued with Xsemble 4.1 and 4.2. Present release 4.3 is a very important milestone in that journey.
We are removing the restriction on the number of nodes that you can add to a project, even in the free version of Xsemble. Therefore, one can use it to express their software ideas in terms of the X-flowcharts and have them validated, without any cost. On the other hand, the usability improvements have made the design process so easy that it is almost comparable to using a drag-and-drop graph editor tool. (You can do the design only with the Assembler’s Workbench, with the new quick design mode introduced in release 4.2, with further enhancements in this release.) All these mean that this is the best time to download Xsemble and start expressing your software ideas with it.
Listed below are some noteworthy improvements over release 4.2.
Ability to Add Data Node on the Fly
Notice this tiny new button in the connection dialog? It lets you add a data node right then and there. Let’s see what its utility is.
Imagine you are editing an executive node (such as a Method node, Page node) and are making data connections. To add a connection, you come to this dialog box, only to realize that you are yet to create the data node. What do you do?
With the older releases, you had to go back all the way, add that data node, edit the executive node again and then make the data data connection.
Now, with this button, all that headache is saved, as you can add the data node right here. Xsemble will place the node somewhere near your executive node (which you can adjust later).
Descriptive Images
The edit dialogs of all the nodes and all the components just got spicier. A schematic diagram of how the node / component connects is now added to the top-left corner of the dialog. What is more, you can hover over it to get quick information about the node. Isn’t that handy?
Other Changes
- Enhancements to Start Node edit dialog
- More UI improvements like showing appropriate node icons
- Retired the project arguments dialog in favor of the generic data node connections dialog. The former was used to add data node connections for the Start and Finish nodes.
- Plus a few more.