After successful piloting, we would like to spread awareness of the MGF alternative. We have planned a launch event on Feb 23rd in Pune for this purpose.

MGF is a patent-pending application to create softwareJava based web applications to be specific. Unlike common development tools, MGF is designed to benefit not just the programmers but also the non-programming resources such as managers and domain experts. It uses the visual programming and modularization to result into efficient manpower utilization, improved visibility, a development process that scales and lowered costs.

The attendees will get introduced to the MGF way of doing software development, hear real life stories from the companies who have used about MGF has helped them, and network with other invitees. It will be a short event.

The event entry is by invitation only. If you are into developing Java based software and are looking for ways of making it painless, please write to us at to request an invite for your company (up to 2 representatives).

UPDATE: The launch event was very good. The name “Xsemble” was announced at the event and a cake was cut. 35 industry representatives graced the occasion. They encouraged us with their good wishes. Click here for the event coverage.