This page is always kept up to date with any updates to the downloads and installation process.

Xsemble runs on Java, and hence it can run on a wide range of hardware and operating systems that Java supports. Below you will be guided to install Java, and then install Xsemble and launch it.

Install Java

You need Java (JDK17 preferred) installed on your machine. Several providers provide these distributions under various license terms, and in principle you should be able to use any one of them. We use the OpenJDK 17 distribution which may be downloaded from here. Download and extract the archive into some folder on your machine (we shall call it Java home).

Set the following two environment variables:

  1. Define an environment variable JAVA_HOME and the value will be the path of Java home.
  2. Append to an existing environment variable PATH the path to the ‘bin’ subdirectory of Java home.

Install Xsemble

Click the below button, and follow the instructions.

Using the download link in your email, download the Xsemble archive and extract it in a folder. We shall call this folder your Xsemble home.

Xsemble uses technology cartridges to support technologies. The distribution includes technology cartridges for web applications with the following technologies:

  • Java technology
    • Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition)
    • Jakarta EE (newer versions of Java EE)
    • Spring Boot (a popular framework for Java based web applications)
  • PHP technology
    • Core PHP (supports PHP version > 7.4)

Launch Xsemble

Xsemble contains 3 desktop applications. They can be launched by running the launch scripts in Xsemble home. We recommend running them through the command prompt (terminal).

  • For Assembler’s Workbench, use (on Linux/Unix) or run-asm.bat (on Windows).
  • For Developer’s Workbench, use (on Linux/Unix) or run-dev.bat (on Windows).
  • For Monitoring Workbench, use (on Linux/Unix) or run-mon.bat (on Windows).

When you launch an Xsemble application for the first time, a Registration dialog is presented to you. Upon successful registration, a key that is unique to you and your machine is created and added to your setup (specifically, to the file). Please preserve this key to troubleshoot in case there is any problem.

Once this key is added, you need to re-launch the Xsemble application. You can now launch any of these applications successfully.

Access Xsemble Documentation

Xsemble comes with elaborate documentation in terms of:

  1. User Guide: Step by step tutorials to learn Xsemble
  2. Reference Manual: The complete reference to Xsemble concepts and features

To access this documentation, use one of the following ways:

  • Default option: If an Xsemble application is running, the documentation can be accessed through Help -> Contents. It opens the documentation in your web browser.
  • Fallback: In case the above is not successful for some reason, then you can open the documentation directly. For doing that, using your file explorer, go to the doc folder under Xsemble home and double-click on index.html file under the html subfolder to open it in your web browser.

Development Environment Setup

The Xsemble installation is used to output the source code of the target application. To compile and run this code, you will additionally need to set up the development environment. To edit the code, the developers may also need an editor of their choice. For seamless experience, these are often set up on the same machine where you installed Xsemble.

The development environment setup and Xsemble configuration are covered in detail in “Onboarding and Configuration” chapter of the Reference Manual (supplied with the distribution).